Horacio Garcia Rossi

1929 – 2012 Argentine

Horaçio Garçia Rossi was born in Buenos Aires in 1929. From 1950 to 1957 he studied at the National School of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires where he subsequently taught. During his studies he met Demarco, Le Parc and Sobrino . From 1945 to 1958 he participated in numerous collective exhibitions in Argentina and Latin America. Since 1959 he settles and works in Paris. His early works are based on two-dimensional research, on the problem of anonymity and the multiplication of form, on virtual movement, on programming and arrangement in white, black and gray and therefore on the problems of overlapping colors. In 1960 he was co-founder of the Center de Recherches d ‘ Arts Vìsuel and, later, of the GRAV ( Groupe de Recherches d’Art Visuel ). Interested in the analysis of visual phenomena, from 1962 he introduced real movement and light into his works. At the same time he creates works that can be manipulated by the public and begins a continuous research on the problems of instability with light and movement. He died in Paris in 2012.


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